October 28, 2010 –

CALIT2 collaborator John C. Hemminger has been named UCI vice chancellor for research, effective Nov. 1, 2010. Hemminger has been dean of the School of Physical Sciences since August 2006.
A UCI alumnus in chemistry, Hemminger received his Ph.D. in chemical physics from Harvard University in 1976. He joined UCI in 1978 as an assistant professor, was promoted to associate professor in 1984, and became a full professor in 1987.
Hemminger served as director of UCI’s Institute for Surface and Interface Science from 1987-93, and as chair of the Department of Chemistry from 1993-96. He also chaired the university’s Council on Academic Personnel.
An internationally recognized surface chemist, he has served as chair of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee since 2003, and has led briefings to U.S. House and Senate committees on matters of sustainable energy.
He is a principle investigator in UCI’s Center for Solar Energy, where he conducts research on metal/semiconductor hybrid nanowires that concentrate solar radiation.
Hemminger, a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Vacuum Society, has received major national awards from both for his research. He also is an elected Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences and the American Chemical Society.
The recipient of a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, he also was presented with the UCI Alumni Association’s Outstanding Faculty Research Award in 1986.
In an email sent to the campus community to announce Hemminger’s appointment, UCI Chancellor Michael Drake and Provost Michael Gottfredson call him as an “exceptional scientist, an experienced administrator and a committed campus collaborator.”