September 28, 2011 –
Visitors from industry and a federal laboratory were introduced to CALIT2’s new center on energy efficiency last week. Representatives from Belkin International, Broadcom Corp., and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) met with UCI faculty members, staff and students affiliated with CalPlug, more formally known as the California Plug Load Research Center, to discuss mutual interests and capabilities.
CalPlug is committed to advancing energy efficiency in appliances and electronic devices through research and education. The meeting was aimed at encouraging future collaborations with the visiting groups, all of whom are active participants in ongoing efforts to improve energy efficiency.
Belkin manufactures devices for energy monitoring and conservation, while Broadcom manufactures efficient networking equipment for data centers, and LBNL has long been known for analyses of energy use in homes and offices.
The morning session featured short presentations covering topics such as micro sensors and switches, smart plug strips, building-level networks, consumer behavior and video game consoles. Subsequent open discussions also focused on funding opportunities, efficiency in medical devices and efficient server rooms. The all-day session included a luncheon and a tour of the almost-finished CalPlug facilities on the fourth floor of the CALIT2 Building.
Stuart Ross, CALIT2 assistant director for research, deemed the meeting a success. “E-mails requesting follow-up visits or more information are already circulating,” he said. “Mission accomplished!”