September 25, 2019 –

Jack Gilbert, UC San Diego speaks at the Southern California
Microbiome Symposium at CALIT2
The seventh Annual SoCal Microbiome Symposium was held at the CALIT2 Auditorium on Friday, Sept. 20. The event was co-hosted by UCI’s Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, CALIT2, Zymo Research and the UCI Microbiome Initiative.
The UCI Microbiome Initiative seeks to create cross-discipline collaborations to discover universal principles about microbiomes across all systems. Research on microbiomes is being conducted in about 50 UCI labs across campus. The group focuses on identifying similarities between human and environmental microbe communities, and training a new generation of interdisciplinary microbiome scientists. To facilitate new microbiome research on campus, it also offers consulting services to help develop new projects, connect labs across disciplines and collect preliminary data.
Speakers and topics included:
Jack Gilbert, UC San Diego
The Airborne Microbiome: an Environment-Human Health Nexus
Holly Bik, UC Riverside
Characterizing the Marine Sediment Microbiome: From Global Patterns to Host-associated Trends
Alejandra Rodriguez, UC Irvine
Evolution Destabilizes Pairwise Interactions in Synthetic Communities Exposed to a Fluctuating Environment
Martha Clokie, University of Leicester
The Taming of C. Difficile Phages to Prevent and Treat Infection
Elizabeth Bess, UC Irvine
Gut Reactions: Using Chemistry to Uncover Functions of the Human Microbiome
David Mills, UC Davis
A Naturally Evolved System to Enrich a Functional Microbiome: The Wonders of Mammalian Milk
Shaista Malik, UC Irvine
Microbiome Testing for Integrative Health
Following the symposium, Zymo Research sponsored a networking reception in the CALIT2 Atrium.
— Sharon Henry