Application for Visitor or Postdoc Space

Visitor and Post doc office and workspace assignments in the Calit2 building are available to all interested parties on campus.

Priority for space allocation for visitors will be given as follows:
• Highly distinguished visitors whose presence in the building may encourage new collaborations across multiple areas.
• Distinguished visitors that are expected to collaborate with two or more projects.
• Visitors collaborating with a single multidisciplinary and/or collaborative project currently housed in the building.
• Other visitors as approved by the director.
• Space will be assigned for no more than 12 months, or the length of the visitor’s stay, whichever is less.
• While we will endeavor to assign a specific location for the entire visit, hosts and visitors should be aware that the CALIT2 director’s office reserves the right to relocate visitors within the building as needed to accommodate new assignments.
• Applications will be accepted at any time; however, allocations will be made on a quarterly basis for the following quarter or beyond. If available visitor space is not fully allocated, applications for space in the current quarter will be considered.
• Note: assigned space reverts back to CALIT2 when the visitor or post doc leaves.

Include names of projects/individuals with which visitor is expected to collaborate.
Include project(s) name and account/fund
Include contact information