Renewal for Office/Workspace

Per the original CALIT2 agreement, the work/office space assigned to your project has reached its two-year review cycle.

Renewal is based upon the following principles:

• Priority for space renewal will be given to projects that have demonstrated collaborations that fall under CALIT2’s mission, brought researchers from different departments and/or disciplines together, and have reflected CALIT2’s multidisciplinary approach to research.
• Priority is also given to projects that are administered through CALIT2.

Please provide information and submit when completed.

Project director
Provide specifics for each grant or contract associated with a project.
How is your project relevant to CALIT2's mission, and how has your project benefited from having space in the CALIT2 building.
Provide collaborators name, title, department/school and associated grant/project titles. You must provide at least one existing project with space assigned in CALIT2 with whom you are currently collaborating.
Name, email and designation (Grad Student, Post Doc, etc.)
Name, email and designation (Grad Student, Post Doc, etc.)
Name, email and designation (Grad Student, Post Doc, etc.)
Name, email and designation (Grad Student, Post Doc, etc.)
Name, email and designation (Grad Student, Post Doc, etc.)
Associated grants occupant is contributing research to
Additional information you feel would be helpful in helping us make a decision regarding your space renewal.