The research group for Engaging Technology and Application Design (ETAD) at CALIT2 conducts collaborative research in assistive and educational technologies by designing, implementing, and evaluating user-centric digital applications. ETAD develops technology-based innovations in a multidisciplinary research environment. ETAD’s role is to apply current state of the art to implement new user-centric digital applications to engage users in activities that improve the quality of life. Most ETAD’s projects focus on two fields:
1) Health systems targeting affordable strategies to promote healthy lifestyles and independent living, such as wellness programs, remote health, and personal self-care.
2) Information systems to maximize energy consumption awareness and promote behaviors that reduce the energy footprint.
ETAD expertise is centered on human-computer interaction design, tracking/monitoring technology, real-time data collection, data analytics, m-health, serious games, cognitive computing, machine learning and pilot evaluation.
The foundation of ETAD originates from an open-minded, dynamic and competitive interdisciplinary team that includes students, researchers and faculty from UCI, along with technologists and professionals, public agencies and private industries.
ETAD provides outstanding partnering opportunities for industrial, institutional, public and community entities seeking to leverage world-class research for innovative technology applications. ETAD and CALIT2 welcome partnerships to create value together through collaboration. ETAD provides outstanding opportunities for students to join real world projects. This is a valuable opportunity for students to experience hands on learning as a key asset to their curriculum.
California Institute for Telecommunications
and Information Technology
4100 CALIT2 Building
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
(949) 824-6900
Fax: (949) 824-8197