The iMove Centers’s mission is to improve the lives of people with neural injuries in Orange County and beyond by empowering UCI engineering, science, and medical students to create innovative robotics and information technologies that enhance movement ability, personal motivation and physical fitness.
The iMove Center researchers search for ways to use information technology, robotics and neuro-regenerative therapies, including dance, sport and computer games, to improve human mobility and challenge patients beyond what is possible with current rehabilitation models. Researchers hope to help shape new brain circuits and assess movement recovery with novel electrophysiological, functional imaging and behavioral outcome measures. The center also seeks to produce technologies useful to those without disabilities, including innovative, interactive training and performance technologies for sport and dance.
California Institute for Telecommunications
and Information Technology
4100 CALIT2 Building
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
(949) 824-6900
Fax: (949) 824-8197