The Creativity Labs brings together educators, designers, artists, and learning theorists interested in constructionist and design-based learning. Researchers focus on computational tools that support learning by leveraging youths’ interests in digital culture, design and making. They design and research new technologies to promote creative learning in youth communities via several research interests.
Maker Culture – Exploring the intersection between digital and physical materials, we are looking at how tools like LilyPad Arduino, Scratch, Modkit, and other maker tools can be used to make a new world of possibilities in education.
Designing Systems – From games to digital stories to embodied play, we explore learning that highlights systems thinking concepts in the real world.
Arts and Creativity – The 21st century arts learning landscape is changing. We explore new approaches for fostering arts learning and creativity, in and out of schools.
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California Institute for Telecommunications
and Information Technology
4100 CALIT2 Building
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
(949) 824-6900
Fax: (949) 824-8197