June 29, 2011 –
CALIT2 is separated by only two degrees from the U.S. White House.
Robert W. Conn, president of The Kavli Foundation, is a founding member of the CALIT2 Advisory Board, which held its annual retreat last week at the UC Irvine division. Conn,
who attended that meeting, was also part of a distinguished group that met Pres. Obama earlier this month in the Oval Office, where Obama honored the work of seven U.S.recipients of the 2010 Kavli Prizes in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience.
The Kavli Prizes recognize scientists whose discoveries have dramatically expanded human understanding in these three fields. They are a partnership between The Kavli
Foundation (U.S.), the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. The 2010 recipients were announced last year and received their awards in a ceremony held in Oslo, Norway, last September.
They include: Roger Angel (University of Arizona), Jerry E. Nelson (UC Santa Cruz), Donald M. Eigler (IBM Almaden Research Center), James E. Rothman (Yale University), Richard H. Scheller (Genentech), Nadrian C. Seeman (New York University), and Thomas C. Südhof (Stanford University).
The Oxnard, Calif.-based Kavli Foundation, established in December 2000, seeks to advance science for the benefit of humanity and promote increased public understanding and support for scientists and their work. It was founded by Norwegian-born physicist Fred Kavli, the founder, former chairman and chief executive officer of Kavlico Corp. in Moorpark, Calif.