Building access via keys and/or card keys is managed by CALIT2 Facilities Management. Written approval for any key/card key distribution must be obtained in advance from the UCI division Directors office.
To receive your keycard, complete this pdf and deliver to Ryan Smith, CALIT2 office 3411, or email to Ryan smith:
- A $15 deposit is required for each key card issued – $10 for each hard key issued. Deposit will be refunded upon return of key card and/or hard key to CALIT2 office.
- I am responsible for the university key(s) issued to me and I will report its loss/theft immediately in writing. I understand that I will forfeit my deposit should my key(s) be lost, stolen, damaged or altered in any way such that it renders the key(s) unusable and will be required to submit an additional deposit for replacement of key(s).
- The key(s) issued to me may not be reproduced, except by the University of California, Irvine.
- The key(s) are to be returned immediately to the CALIT2 Facilities Manager upon termination of employment and/or if the occupant is no longer involved with the project for which workspace has been assigned to them in the CALIT2 building.
- I am responsible for reading and complying with CALIT2 building policies.